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How To Make Your Past, A Blessing To Your Future in a nutshell is about encouraging people NOT to JUST THINK INVESTING, but to start Investing Young, Often, and Purposefully now! Your sole purpose when young does not have to simply be to consume or spend money without worrying about the future. Something that is often said is “Worry about it later!” Well, later for most people can be hard times, especially if no one thought to plan for it. Even in little league football (among numerous other sporting venues), the team that wins the most is the team that has the best strategy. As such, this book will help you to have the best strategy by teaching you how to invest young, often, and purposefully.

Also, How To Make Your Past, A Blessing To Your Future encourages the reader to become financially savvy and independent by sharing ways and financial tools to address the concerns of tomorrow today. “What concerns?" you might ask. Home ownership, funding for college, having reliable streams of income rather than living paycheck to paycheck, having emergency funds for the unexpected, and leaving a will as well as how to accomplish your financial goals.

Additionally, this book will help you to combat and win against your financial concerns by setting a legacy that will not only be a blessing for you today, but also your future.

How to Make Your Past, A Blessing to Your Future by Juan Chisholm

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